Jessica Cassidy - 1st Runner-Up
1.If you were famous what would your stage name be?
I take the most pride in sustaining my marriage. My husband and I have faced many challenges and victories together all while keeping each other grounded, no matter what the situation may be. We know we can always depend on one another even though it may be an exigent path.
2.If you would attend a celebrity wedding which, would it be?
My heroes are my children because through their fortitude and innocence I have learned how to refine what the crux of life are and are able to impart unconditional love.
3.What is the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
My most prized possession is a card my son gave me this past Mother’s Day. He read greeting cards for about 30 minutes to find just the perfect one. I was so moved by the words he chose. Priceless!
4.What is the most random fact you know?
Lovey! I’m really not sure how my husband came up with this nickname for me but it always makes me smile!
5.What is the one thing you’ll never do again?
Being a former Michigander, Fall has always been my favorite season! The change of colors, family trips to the cider mill, hot apple cider and of course the warm and yummy donuts are nostalgic!
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